We’re a society fixed on ‘’bettering ourselves’’ but we’re not improving.
Her child has been the target of bullying in several occasions and this has resulted in the mother removing her child from that school.
This is 2020.
Everyone’s saying 2020,
We’re better than that.
That’s old news and old us.
Is it?
Bullying a child to the point she’s no longer safe at school isn’t progress.
We’re a society fixed on ‘’bettering ourselves’’ but we’re not improving.
I think our ability to turn our consciousness off and make thoughtless decisions to prove ourselves or follow the crowd to be popular or simply because it’s easier isn’t cool anymore.
When I was growing up I didn’t understand my responsibilities as a human being.
Of course not.
Me as a child cared about sandcastles, painting and recess.
I didn’t think long and hard on the one mean comment I said 4 years ago that makes me feel rotten and that my decisions as a 17 year old might shape my 25 year old life.
We are told all our lives the impact and responsibilities we hold, how much power we have by speaking, our hands and our words are weapons.
If I had a $1 coin for every night I’ve lied awake and regretted this and regretted that…
Or been half asleep and woken in a panic realising one day this life of mine will be over and having what feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders.
We as a society have forgotten how serious this life is, how much of an impact you can leave and how much you can change someone’s life simply from shutting your mouth.
I’m a loud mouth, I’m highly enthusiastic and pretty opinionated… (Hard to tell, Right? )
I say things without thinking sometimes. I regret it afterwards or sometimes I never think of it again.
Its human nature to want to rush and speak everything on your brain but sometimes the best words and actions are the ones left alone.
Actively thinking of others, think about how that could be heard by the other person.
How they feel in situations and look out for one another.
None of this blind eye business, if you see injustice and you feel that feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you to step up, step up.
This life is important, your decisions are important.
If students stepped up for this girl, she could still be going to school.
She could have supportive friends, safety.
She shouldn’t be feeling fear and that she’s not welcome.
She’s a 12 year old girl.
12 years ago – 2008.
I was 12 years old and removed from school for the exact same thing…
I was flogged for looking the way I do.
I was humiliated, ashamed and on the verge of suicide.
Not pretty.
Not fun.
I had my small heart, broken every day.
I cried pools of tears and had no boat to sail across them.
I had no-one, no-one saved me from the lunch time taunts.
The sickness I faked and the lies I told.
I did everything to escape that school but I wasn’t safe when I got what I wanted.
I still had society, a sick and unforgiving place.
What should have still been a childhood of being a child, was filled with regrets I was even born.
I didn’t grasp my life back then, remember when I said I was unconscious to my decisions and unconscious to my decisions that could lead me to other places in the future?
We’ll I almost ended it all, I almost gave everyone else my light, my power and my voice.
I fell to everyone else’s expectations and although I didn’t fully understand what they were I felt them on my back like a set of anchors weighing me down.
How did I know I wanted to disappear but not know what that actually meant?
What a serious thing to think about at an age I still wanted to hop scotch.
Because people used their words, people used their fists.
They attacked me, broke me and left me to rot in all the negativity.
Now back to this girl, she’s 12 and potentially going through these same emotions..
Where is her support?
Where is her protection?
Its 2020, Whatcha gonna do about it?
Speak to raise people up, respect people for their differences – either in physical or in their opinions.
Don’t do anything you wouldn’t like done to yourself.
Love your neighbours, Share your kindness.
Stand up against injustice and fight for what you believe in.
This is a time for uncomfortable.
Because you’ll never grow when you’re comfortable.
Be uncomfortable, self-reflect and shift your views.
Decide the life you’d like to lead and actively make it happen.
Nothing is going to change unless you care enough.
I wish this beautiful girl safety in her future, I hope her mother fiercely defends her and gets the support needed to get her daughter through this.
I look to you all to reflect on your life, think about your decisions and where you want to be.
2020, has been an uncomfortable year and let’s not waste another one being stuck in this same spot.
With everything that’s going on in the world it is critical we make conscious decisions and look out for one another.
We do not know what anyone else is struggling with, what inner or outwards battles they are fighting.
We’re all fighting with our minds and hearts so be alittle kinder.
If I let others decide my future for me, I wouldn’t have one.
Keep planting seeds and keep moving forward.
Even if it’s one step a day, you’re still moving.
This isn’t a race, this is your journey.
I thank you for your support and I appreciate you all tremendously.
Much Love,
Photo from a classroom talk in 2018.
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