I Lost A Friend.
I Lost A Friend.
This morning we woke
Our hearts so heavy.
You're getting older now boy.
You're loosing your senses.
It's not your fault.
This is what life is...
This is what life feels like.
You're a good boy, No.
The best boy.
The best boy the world has ever seen.
You've left smiles on many hearts, more than you could ever dream.
You've been the best boy and now its your time.
Time for some rest.
Time for some sleep.
While you're here, we'll wrap you up tightly.
We'll kiss your little head, boy.
We'll take alittle drive.
While you are here in my arms, boy.
We'll watch you soak up the sun.
I hold you in my arms and trace your face for my memories.
When its all over.
You'll be in a better place.
Thankyou for staying with us.
Almost 17 years.
I hope you know how much you'll be missed boy.
How much you are loved.
We wished things could be different,
So we didn't have to part,
So we didn't have to say goodbye and I'd stop falling apart.
I've cried and I've cried
I've cried quiet alot.
We've ummed and we've ahhed.
We've questioned our decision.
If we should or if we should not.
We've picked out your spot.
Between the two trees you sleep under.
in the sunlight.
in the breeze.
Where you always looked happiest.
We are here.
In your final moments.
You gazed over at me.
Thankyou for your service, boy.
I thankyou for all the years.
Thankyou for being the best boy.
The world has ever seen.
You are loved
You are missed
You are irreplaceable
You are our boy.
Our best boy.
Our Rex dog.
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